Alternative and Complimentary Medicine | Holistic health for your whole being

Acupuncture is one of the most well-known branches of
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It has been scientifically proven to induce healing, alleviate pain and anxiety, release stress, promote sleep and much more.
It involves the insertion of very fine, sterile needles at specific locations on the body. These “points” usually lay on the pathways (“meridians”) where your qi (life-force/energy) is in continuous circulation.
Every acupuncture point has specific effects. Which is why appropriate point combinations and needle techniques may result in therapeutic effects.
Chinese Medicine explains these as: nourishment of organs, improved bodily functions; removal of excessive pathological factors and promotion of the free movement of qi throughout the body.
What to expect
Once you are in a relaxed position, I may ask your to take a few deep breaths in and out.
I will usually insert the needles following your breath.
The insertion is very quick and painless. Following insertion I may manipulate the needles in order to achieve ‘deqi’ sensation. You may feel ‘deqi’ as warmness, tingling, dull ache, and such at or near the instertion point. This is a sensation is very subjective. And it is usually an indicator of the acupuncture point being “activated”. This sesnation is very different person to person. And some might not even feel a thing.
The needles are retained for 15 to 30 minutes, which are then removed by using sterile cotton wool.
This therapy may involve additional treatment methods such as acupressure, toyohari, electro-acupuncture and auricular acupuncture.
Acupuncture is an amazing healing modality that is able to reduce pain, inflammation, as well as rectifying a wide range of conditions by dissolving dis-ease at it’s root. All by removing blockages, nourishing deficient organs and meridians whilst also clearing excessive pathogens and emotions stored in the body.
Do you wish to try Acupuncture for yourself?
If you are interested in what it is used for in general, please find this non-exhaustive list here.


Moxibustion is the brother of acupuncture. In the chinese character of ‘acupuncture’ (针灸), the second kanji actually means moxibustion.
Moxa (in short) is a spongy, “wooly” herb. It is produced from the plant mugwort (artemisia vulgaris or artemisia argyii).
Usually we use moxa by either directly burning it on the skin -acoiding damage-. Another frequent way is using the “cigar” version. Which is the same herb pressed into a charcoal wand. Sometimes I use it on top or around the needles, in order to enhance their therapeutic effect.
In general mugwort has warming, moving and nourishing energetics.
What to expect
Usually I use moxa in conjunction with acupuncture. In case of direct moxibustion, I apply a thin layer of oil on your skin. Then I place small cones of moxa on this layer, before lighting it by using incense sticks. In most cases I extinguish/remove these before they would reach the skin.
It may feel nicely warm and “moving”. The herb has a pleasant smell, however it may leave a scent on your clothes, please be aware.
Moxa is excellent in aiding recovery by (locally) enhancing the blood circulation. It is also very useful in boosting your immune system or your energy levels.
Would you like to experience the wonders of Moxa yourself?
Alternative & Complimentary Medicine is fully tailerod to your personal needs
Your therapist may propose to use some of these healing methodologies according to your presentation. However Every treatment method is subject to discussion and your consent.
Please do not hesitate and get In Touch with Mike today to book your first session!
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